In the past I always looked transmit to the summer months. The house barbecues, the hanging out at the local beach, the outdoor excitement means summer fun. But one of the biggest thrills? The allowance in my power bill. So, you could fantasize the mild shock I received when I opened this months July bill and read it. Ouch.
You may have had this same feeling when you opened yours. Before diving at my phone to call my gas company, informing them of the mistake, I saw a tiny note tucked behind the bill.
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This note explained how normally the gas bill goes down in the summer months. But (I always get nervous when they say but), due to the sudden rise in natural gas, they've had to pass the cost to the consumers. With everything else going up I was looking transmit to my gas bill going down, inspecting I use much less gas in the summer, silly me.
So, I've decided to share these cost saving tips with you. You're no doubt experiencing or will caress same "gas bill emblem shock" I experienced. Here's 21 Ways to help make up for your extra power cost this year.
1. Try air-conditioning certain rooms you occupy instead of the whole house by closing off rooms you're not in for long.
2. Use a fan with your air conditioner to spread the cool air colse to faster.
3. Use a fan instead of your air conditioner when possible.
4. Do most or all of your cooking in the early morning hours.
5. Use the microwave oven instead of the stove or oven during the day and evening hours.
6. Make sure you're drinking fullness of ice water throughout the day. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and too much sugary drinks.
7. Get one those microscopic spray bottles fill it with cold water and lightly spray you face, the back of your neck and legs if you're wearing shorts.
8. Remember hot air rises, so you'll get the coolest air laying or lounging on the floor than sitting up in a chair or on the couch. If you live in a two-story house, the coolest air is on the first floor.
9. Most utility associates offer a flex plan, or reduced cost plan for habitancy who may have problem paying their summer utility bill. caress your local utility company for details.
10. For your sun facing rooms make sure you keep your blinds finished during the day. If you have to open your blinds, open them in the up position it will keep your room cooler than the down position. Try it.
11. Install white or light colored shades to reflect the heat away from the house.
12. Close window shades on the south and west side of your house during the day where the sun is hottest.
13. Replace your incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents. compact fluorescents furnish the same number of light but they use one-fifth the power and heat.
14. Lowering your hot water heater to 120 F is comfortable for most uses during the summer and will help drastically sacrifice your power bill.
15. Shower in the evening instead of the morning. You'll find it more refreshing after a h hot day and you'll use less hot water, a cold shower may sound like a good idea after a hot steamy day.
16. Arrange your refrigerator so you can find items easily, this will avoid keeping the door open too long. For every five seconds you hold the door open during hot weather reduces the refrigerator climatic characteristic 2 to 3 degrees, manufacture it work harder and burn energy.
17. Avoid taking baths, take showers instead and save water.
18. Planting a tree on the west and south side of your house can save you up to 0 to 0 in power cost. A deciduous tree will help cool you home in the summer while allowing sunlight in the cold winter months. Be specific of planting it too close to the house, where the roots can be a problem, consult your local nursery for details.
19. Insulating your attic can sacrifice your power cost 10 to 12 percent.
20. Check your hot water tank. A hot water tank that's warm to the touch needs additional insulation. Insulating your warehouse water heater tank is straightforward and inexpensive, and it will pay for itself in about a year. You can find pre-cut jackets or blankets ready for -. Buy one with an insulating value of at least R-8. In addition, some city utilities associates sell them at allowance prices, offer rebates, and even Install them at a low or no cost.
21. A home power audit is the first step in knowing how much power and money your home uses wastes. It's the best way to know what you must do to make your home more power efficient. You can accomplish a straightforward energy. Audit yourself, or have a expert power auditor carry out a more suitable audit.
Black Homeowners Top 21 Ways to cut Your Summer vigor Cost
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